It's a Sunday inside and thought I'd have a little blog time while I'm waiting for it to cool off outside before watering my garden. This has been a very busy, very productive Summer so far and I'm feeling good again. My art and photography have kept me occupied with lots of fun new projects and that's just the way I like it. Since losing Tessa in April, I have found my groove once again and it seems the creativity is pouring out of me. I see her beautiful smiling face watching over me and in everything I do right now. I've added a lot of new pieces to my collection with small ready to frame prints, paper flower magnets, glass marble magnets and jewelry. I've wanted to make jewelry for a really long time but wasn't sure what I wanted to do so I'm doing whatever inspires and basically letting that be my guide. I've always been drawn to collage type artwork and I think that's what has made me such a "mixed media" artist. I may paint something but then glue paper flowers or words to it. I've been making a lot of pendants with my artwork and I love the look of vintage brass and using little embellishments like bees, swallows, dragonflies, engraved charms with words, locks and keys, old buttons, etc. I am fortunate to have my girlfriends, Amy, Libby and JBird who are also artists and jewelry designers. It's wonderful for creativity and brainstorming, I always learn something new when I'm with them.
I had a great family session this week with a part of my own wonderful family, The Ross Family ~ Bryan, Holly, Haileigh and Clifton! We've been trying to schedule it for quite a while so I was really looking forward to it. We had a great time in spite of having to change locations at the last minute (rain came earlier than forecasted!) and got a lot of great images. Hope you all have enjoyed the weekend and have a great new week ahead. Take time to count your blessings, tell those dear to you that you love them and make the most of every day. Until next time...
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"Welcome to my little space to share daily thoughts, happenings, projects and random silliness. Thanks for checking never know what I'll be getting into next!" Archives
June 2012